Parishioner of Trinity North Shore

At Trinity North Shore, we use the word parishioner for those who choose to belong to our community, which is derived from the ancient Greek words “para” and “oikos,” meaning “dwelling beside.” We ask you consider dwelling beside us at Trinity and participating in life together. This is a life of pilgrimage — a purposeful journey of seeking and worship – and of being present to our place. Parishioner conveys the paradox into which we are living. We live intentionally in the place where we are, while also longing for more and yearning for connection to the One who is present-yet-beyond. 

So, we invite you to consider becoming a parishioner of Trinity North Shore and join us as a people, who are committed to an intentional journey in spirit and love as we seek to embody and manifest the Kingdom of God here, as we are called and led. 

Signing up as a parishioner means three things:

  1. I am choosing to be part of this community and to invest of myself (service, prayers, regular presence, financial contribution, etc.) as I pilgrimage together with these people. 

  2. I want to love God and experience God’s love with the fullness of who I am. I commit to participate in a rule of life, wherever I am on the spectrum of learning about it and implementing one. 

  3. I will share my Rule of Life (or whatever step I am at in the process) with a “soul friend,” with whom I will discuss this once a quarter, and with either one of the priests or my spiritual director once a year (annual check-in). *

Signed: _________________________________

A Few Thoughts Regarding a Rule of Life

At Trinity North Shore, the Rule of Life is your own to discern in prayer, perhaps in tandem with your soul friend, priest or spiritual director. Remember! It does not cause God to love us more, but it does allow us to live habitually in his love and to develop the soul strength of walking with God. It is strength for the journey and to live the way of love.

Here are some categories that are common to rules of life. These are offered here as a help towards discerning and forming a rule of life that is right for you at this time in your pilgrimage.

  • Connecting: Prayer and Rhythms (think Sabbath and Sacrament, Scripture and Study)

  • Deepening: Knowing one’s self, via reflective journaling, listening to God, maybe a spiritual director, and sharing honestly with your soul-friend and at one’s annual check in.

  • Simplicity: Step(s) or a habit to care for the earth, to increase wonder, to simplify and know life as gift.

  • Integrity: Step(s) or a habit to be authentic, humble, honest, and giving in intimacies with friends and any significant other.

  • Community: Step(s) or a habit to grow in empathy and love for each and all. Purposefully looking for ways to befriend and welcome those who are vulnerable, on the outside, “the other”.

Some SAMPLES of a Rule of Life can be found here along with more help for Crafting a Rule of Life.

Mtr. Wendy, Mtr. Jen or I would be delighted to chat with you at any point in the coming year (between now and the next annual meeting) for an annual soul check-in. This is not Confession; it’s not a checklist; it’s not an evaluation. It’s an invitation for you to do some wide-lens reflecting on where you are and how you are doing, and have the compassionate and encouraging ear of a priest to walk with you, cheer for you, offer any Godly counsel, and pray with you. We think of this particularly regarding what you are learning by living or exploring a Rule of Life, but (of course) it can be anything. Please reach out in whatever way is easiest. 
