About Trinity North Shore

Connecting to God, Community, and Creation 

Growing into Christ’s Likeness

Trinity North Shore is a community growing into wholeness by living our inner lives in connection to God’s love, letting that love connect us to others, and honoring our connection to all things.

Based in the love of God who has made us in His image, we aspire that our life together be:

  • Gracious & Truthful

    • We all need a place where we can be open, yet also respectful of others and give each other the benefit of the doubt.

  • Genuine & Whole

    • We want to be real with each other, with all of our imperfections, even as we yearn to be made whole.

  • Grateful & Hopeful

    • We’ve been given the amazing gift of life and many other blessings, yet also in this deeply-broken world we want to be agents for good, mercy, justice, and love.

Our deepest soul-spaces are made for worship, and therefore in worship we begin to find our true selves. Worship of Jesus is the fire around which we gather and warm our souls. We worship in Liturgy, Songs, Prayers, and Sacraments.

Goodness takes time to grow; it is not instantaneous. We are formed into Christ’s likeness by steps. Spiritual growth and maturity take place over time and require intentionality.

We believe that God made humans in his image and are called to participate with God in the influence of culture. It is our conviction that this influence, which is inherently charitable and creative, ought to be leveraged both inside and outside the church.

The Creeds

Creeds are statements of our basic beliefs about God. The term comes from the Latin word “credo”, meaning “I believe.”
The Church has two foundational creeds: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
In reciting and affirming these creeds, we join Christians across the world and throughout the ages
in affirming our faith in the one God who created us, redeemed us, and sanctifies us.


We are part of the Anglican Diocese in New England (ADNE)
For more info on the ADNE visit adne.org

Our Team

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Cn. Tim Clayton

Lead Pastor
contact | about

Mtr. Wendy Dixon

Prayer Ministry, Children’s Ministry,
Spiritual Direction
contact | about

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Michael Pritzl

Worship and Arts
contact | about

Our Parish Council


Kirsten Trumbull

Sr. Warden | about

Peter Vanacore

Jr. Warden | about

Mark Schmalz
Treasurer | about

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Alex Miller

Clerk | about


Jodi Fryling

Member | about

Nathaniel Youndt

Member | about

Trinity Kids and Youth
+ Interns and Volunteers

Cheryl Clayton

Kids + Youth | about

Kirsten Trumbull

Youth Ministry | about

Deacon Jen Kiefer