NT Wright on Racial Issues and the Church
The earliest Christian writings insist that in the Messiah ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek’. The book of Revelation envisages Jesus’s followers as an uncountable family from every nation, tribe, people and language. At the climax of his greatest letter, St Paul urges Christians to ‘welcome one another’ across all social and ethnic barriers, insisting that the church will thereby function as the advance sign of God’s coming renewal of all creation.
Anglican Diocese in New England
For such a time as this, the Anglican Diocese in New England is a passionate and entrepreneurial family of churches with a footprint across the North East. Gathered from around the U.S. and the world, we are united in Word, Spirit, Sacrament and Mission and committed to the reawakening of New England. We have prayerfully identified five specific areas we believe the Lord has called us to prioritize:
Tish Harrison Warren
Tish Harrison Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America. She is the author of Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life, which was Christianity Today's 2018 Book of the Year, and Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep (IVP, 2021).
Esau McCaulley
Dr. McCaulley’s second book is Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope (IVP academic, 2020). Reading While Black looks at the tradition of African American biblical interpretation and argues that Bible reading has often functioned as a a source of hope in the Black community. He also contends that the Bible rightly understood and read from a decidedly black perspective can speak a word of hope to African Americans today.
A More Diverse and Just Anglicanism
Following the lead of Bishops Jim Hobby, Todd Hunter, Stewart Ruch III, and Steve Wood, who recently wrote in response to the death of George Floyd, which gained support from a number of other Bishops, we offer this open letter to our fellow ACNA clergy and to the churches under our care. Whether you’re ACNA clergy, a layperson, or a Christian leader outside the ACNA, we invite your consideration of the following and your signature in support.
The Telos Collective
Our mission is to teach, train and coach leaders to engage culture from a place of peace with God, ourselves, and the world.